This vignette demonstrates how to use the fastrerandomize package for generating and testing experimental designs in an agricultural study setting based on:
We will walk through:
Note: This tutorial assumes you have installed the fastrerandomize package, either from source or via GitHub:
# If you haven't installed or set up the package:
# devtools::install_github("cjerzak/fastrerandomize-software/fastrerandomize")
# (Done once) Optionally build the JAX backend if needed
# fastrerandomize::build_backend()
# note that this vignette can be found like so:
# vignette(package = "fastrerandomize")
For illustration, we use several pre-treatment covariates from the original experiment.
# Obtain pre-treatment covariates
data(QJEData, package = "fastrerandomize")
myCovariates <- c("children","married","hh_size","hh_sexrat")
QJEData <- QJEData[![,myCovariates])),]
X <- QJEData[,myCovariates]
# Analysis parameters
n_units <- nrow(X)
n_treated <- round(nrow(X)/2)
We now create our candidate randomizations using the function
from fastrerandomize. Depending
on the scale and complexity of your experiment, you may choose either
exact enumeration (“exact”) or Monte Carlo (“monte_carlo”)
In this example, we’ll use the exact approach, but note that
is set very low (0.0001) for
demonstration, so that we can see some filtering in action.
## conda environment is not available. Please install Python/conda and build the backend using fastrerandomize::build_backend(conda_env = 'fastrerandomize', conda = 'auto').
returns an S3 object of class
. We can use its associated
print, summary, and plot methods to inspect the candidate
Next, we showcase a randomization-based inference procedure using fastrerandomize.
We simulate an outcome Y that depends on our covariates X, the chosen randomization, and some true treatment effect τ. Here, we pick the first acceptable randomization from our set as our “observed” assignment, Wobs.
CoefY <- rnorm(ncol(X)) # Coefficients for outcome model
Wobs <- CandRandomizations$randomizations[1, ] # use the 1st acceptable randomization
tau_true <- 1 # true treatment effect
# Generate Y = X * Coef + W*tau + noise
Yobs <- as.numeric( as.matrix(X) %*% as.matrix(CoefY) + Wobs * tau_true + rnorm(n_units, sd = 0.1))
We pass our observed treatment assignment (obsW
observed outcomes (obsY
), and the full matrix of candidate
randomizations (candidate_randomizations
) to
. This test:
randomization_test_results <- randomization_test(
obsW = Wobs,
obsY = Yobs,
candidate_randomizations = CandRandomizations$randomizations,
findFI = TRUE
# Inspect results
The findFI = TRUE
flag further attempts to locate a
fiducial interval (FI) for the treatment effect.
This tutorial demonstrated a basic workflow with fastrerandomize:
We encourage you to consult the package documentation for more advanced functionalities, including GPU-accelerated computations via JAX and flexible definitions of balance criteria in addition to what was shown here.